Armchair Travel

YPRL Staff

13 August, 2021

Travelling is a time of discovery, shared experiences, bonding with family and friends, and it is not limited to physically going to the destination. You can travel from your armchair and enjoy what the world has to offer by reading, learning and watching documentaries that allow you to escape and visit faraway lands from the comfort of your own home.

Our Armchair Travel for Seniors events take place from October 4-30 and offer great opportunities to experience different places in the world. Register for an event near you and enjoy presentations about local history, travelling through Canada, internet connections for schools in Nepal, tech help for fitness and travel apps, stargazing and virtual reality travel opportunities. Or alternatively, you can read a book, try a LinkedIn Learning course or watch a series through our streaming service Kanopy.

Here are some suggestions from our catalogue to get you started:

The Definitive Bucket List: Travel Experiences in Australia and New Zealand - For the Best Years of Your Life by Lee Atkinson, 2019

Travel goes a long way in keeping you young. Inside this book you’ll find hundreds of holiday ideas across Australia and New Zealand, from luxury escapes to walking holidays, bike rides, train journeys, golfing trips, garden tours and unforgettable wildlife encounters.

The Grey Nomad's Ultimate Guide to Australia: Experience the Beauty and Freedom of our Great Landscape-- For Young and Old Alike! by Xavier Waterkeyn, 2020

This book was written specifically with the grey nomad in mind. Including preparing for your trip which will help save us considerable time, money and effort, both in the pre-planning stages, and whilst being on the road. The book also has helpful advice on saving money and financial tips for the thrifty, industry super funds and self-managed super funds (SMSFs), redesigning your life, health and exercise, eating and cooking while on the road, meeting new friends, Grey Nomadding and Centrelink, Insurance, dealing with all the issues and obstacles along the way.

My Digital Travel for Seniors by Jason Rich, 2017

An easy and complete full-colour tutorial on using computers, smartphones, or tablets to plan travel, make online reservations, manage your itinerary, and save money. Meaningful examples, step-by-step tasks, large text, close-up screen shots, and a custom full-colour interior are designed for comfortable reading.

The Traveling Photographer: The Basics with David Hobby (LinkedIn Learning course)

In this course, this series is about traveling to major tourist destinations such as Hong Kong and Paris, photojournalist and founder David Hobby shows you how to photograph your journey like a professional, without dispelling any of the magic of the experience. You'll learn to plan effectively, choose the right gear, interact with the people you meet, take photographs efficiently, and—most importantly—create the mental space and time to enjoy your journey.

Great Tours: England, Scotland and Wales, 2018 (36 episodes in series) (streaming video)

Taught by acclaimed Professor Patrick Allitt, these 36 lectures give you an insider's take on traveling through Great Britain. Whether you're planning a week-long vacation; a month-long grand tour; or just want to experience England, Scotland, and Wales from afar, this course brings Great Britain into your living room.

Great Tours: France through the Ages, 2020 (24 episodes in series) (streaming video)

In this travelogue, you'll discover the 35,000-year-old cave paintings of Chauvet, the medieval castles of the Cathars, the palace of Versailles, and the sites where the French Revolution unfolded. You'll also explore romantic Paris; the Loire Valley chateaux; and France's food, wine, sublime art and architecture, and more.

The Wonders of America's State Parks, 2019 (24 episodes in series) (streaming video)

Join travel writer Joe Yogerst for a virtual tour of over 100 state wilderness areas stretching from New England to the Hawaiian Islands. You'll learn how these parks came into existence, what makes them a special part of America's story, and how to get the most out of a visit - whether you want historical insights or panoramic views.

Explore other great documentaries on Kanopy.

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